Create a Stylesheet

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets
Styles define how to display HTML elements
Styles are normally stored in Style Sheets
Styles were added to HTML 4.0 to solve a problem
External Style Sheets can save you a lot of work
External Style Sheets are stored in CSS files
Multiple style definitions will cascade into one

This task should be able to give you enough information to write a cascading stylesheet for an html webpage


Stylesheets are normally called style.css, which is a good standard to use when writing a CSS

The CSS syntax of a stylesheet item is made up of three parts: a selector, a property and a value:
selector {property: value}
For example:
body {color: black}

Note: If you wish to specify more than one property, you must separate each property with a semi-colon. The example below shows how to define a center aligned paragraph, with a red text color:
p {text-align:center;color:red}

To make the style definitions more readable, you can describe one property on each line, like this:
text-align: center;
color: black;
font-family: arial